I am sitting at my dining table right now and I thought to myself I need to do some Spring cleaning. But, what does Spring cleaning really mean? Does it mean we have to clean up around the outside of our houses? Use vinegar on the windows? Beat the carpets? Organize our drawers and closets? Or is it that desire to air out our homes and hang our linens on the clothesline for that crisp clean smell? I guess it means something different to each of us.
Suddenly, I had an “Aha” moment! I was reminded we are in the middle of Lent season. This should be a time of fasting, self-denial, Christian growth, repentance, conversion, and simplicity. It is a time for taking spiritual inventory and then cleaning out those things which hinder our personal relationships with Jesus Christ and our service to Him.
John Ortberg in his well written book entitled, The Me I Want to Be writes, “I must pray what is in me, not what I wish were in me”. We have to come to the realization that there is a problem, but we refuse to let the problem get the best of us. See, admission is the key to our deliverance. The act of telling God how we truly feel is an act of liberation which activates the healing power of God. In turn, Jesus will recognize our saving faith and gift us with total healing — in body, mind and spirit. Like the man blind from birth who came to Jesus for healing and found both healing and redemption, (John 9:2-25) we will find all that our hearts desire — is in Jesus.
I encourage you to take this time and reflect on your own life journey: where you are and where you want to be. I encourage you to take a personal fast and journalize your personal reflections. This season offers an opportunity for us to change and better our relationship with Jesus. Remember: Spring cleaning doesn't have to be completed in one day or weekend. Make your list. Prioritize the tasks. Then celebrate the success of a fresh new YOU!