Friday, August 26, 2011

A Woman with a Passion to help others Pursue their Purpose!

We've had an awesome week and I wanted to close out these WE Rock (Women Empowered) interviews with an international minister, author and consultant. I connected with Rev. Barnett a few years ago, when she ministered at Higher Dimension Church. It was a powerful word and I prayed Lord, I need to connect with her. Today, I am very thankful to have her here to tell us about her ministry, her book, and a little bit about herself!

CP: Thank you Rev. Barnett, I am so excited to have you here. Give us a brief bio of who you are?

LRB: I am a native of Houston, Texas well-known for a very relevant and spiritually-empowering speaking gift. I am a servant-leader in the Body of Christ who ministers God word that is bold, relevant, energetic and theologically sound to reveal the will of God empowers believers to live it! I am so honored to be called by God and gifted to serve in diverse contexts, to deliver His truth with compassion while touching the heart and stimulating the mind. I have been so blessed to gain the experience in international evangelism and missions, my personal motto is: "The world is my pulpit!"

In November of 2008, “author” was added to my resume’ with the publication of The Intensified Life:Experience God and Live to Tell About It! The book is a study based on a teaching series I created in 2006. Testimonies from men and women about the experience were powerful and continued for more than two years. With the sponsorship of HER Call Ministries the book was published with 100% of the proceeds being donated to the support of Christian leaders in America, Jamaica, Africa and India. The Intensified Life is available nationwide through major book retailers and the Internet.

As CEO of Essentials Intensified Consulting I am providentially poised to share my gifts with the Body of Christ and make eternally significant investments for God's Kingdom. Natural skills and advanced training in counseling (MA in Community Counseling) have combined with spiritual discernment, biblical training (MA in Practical Theology) and practical experience has given me a dynamic foundation from which to advise and provide consulting services to ministries. After serving for more than six years on a pastoral leadership team, including three years as an assistant pastor, I have launched a significant and successful 501c3 non-profit ministry, HER Call Ministries.

CP: This is awesome. With that said, can you give us a brief overview of Her Call Ministries?

LRB: Her Call Ministries is female clergy and visionaries with high-tech training, networking venues, leadership and ministerial resources. Our vision is to inspire and equip women to be dynamic and biblically sound ministers and leaders to advance the Kingdom of God. Our mission is to provide training, coaching and networking that enable women to pursue a plan of action for integrating faith, family and finances in order to fulfill their unique call to ministry in the Kingdom of God.

CP: I love Her Call Ministries logo. It was interesting to read what it represents. The 5-diamond logo represents the standard of excellence with which you aspire to achieve in everything you do to serve and partner with other women. Who do you imagine is your ideal client?

LRB: I love partnering with leaders who want to bring transformation to their organizations/ministries. I believe I am a challenger to those who may be stuck in an old paradigm and need change. I love exposing leaders to new possibilities and collaborating to implement processes that engage people to use their gifts in creative and productive ways. Therefore, my ideal client is anyone interested in integrating spirituality in their business culture or ministries looking to enhance team performance to impact more lives for the Kingdom of God.

CP: If given the opportunity to speak with one of the most influential women past or present, who would it be and what would you ask her?

LRB: This is a difficult question because there are several women who could speak to different aspects of my life and no individual woman I know of that can speak to the whole. As of today, I can say Mary, the mother of Jesus, simply because she was closest to the one person who has had the greatest impact on the world. I think I'd like to know about the things Scripture does not tell us and ask her to clarify what we think we know about her first born child. She witnessed many things and pondered them in her heart. That's the information I'd like to know. How did she survive seeing her child tortured? What was it like learning that his body was no longer in the tomb? Yes, Mary is the woman I would like to talk with right now but if you ask me next month that may change.

CP: What one book, written by a woman, do you wish you'd written yourself? Why?

LRB: The first great book I recall reading that impacted me was "Hinds Feet on High Places" by Hannah Hurnard. It is a classic devotional and as much as I loved reading it I can't say that I wish I had written it. God has given me grace to be very please with the gifts HE placed in others but I don't wish for what they have. Instead, I am driven to seek God so that my gifts are matured and manifested for His glory. So the books I have written (and still work on completing) are the only ones I "wish" for myself.

CP: What was your journey to get where you are today? Any advice you can give to younger women?

LRB: I feel as though I was thrust into ministry from the time I was in high school participating in the Bible club to this very day. I am grateful that my college years are loaded with tremendous spiritual growth and ministry activity which helped to shape my life. I heard the call to preaching ministry in graduate school and God blessed me to attend seminary so I could have a good start in the world of church work as a young woman. When my time of transition came into more independent and international ministry it was through a series of challenging, yet ordained circumstances. My path has been an adventure with God that continues to keep me in awe of His grace and faithfulness. I don't think I have reached the full measure of my potential or the next plateau of productivity by any means. Steadfast service in the calling on my life and faith that God orders my steps keeps me busy.

Younger women should invest as much time, prayer and energy as possible into knowing God's voice and will for their lives. Every dream will not come to fruition immediately. Some plans will be changed and others will only be revealed in hind-sight. Nothing can replace a noble character and a spirit of excellence so never take a short-cut or minimize the value of integrity.

CP: Do you find it difficult to manage your time, speaking engagements, shifting focus between marketing your ministry, as well as any day-to-day responsibilities?

LRB: Yes! However, I am only committed to doing what I believe God requires of me. Therefore, marketing and day-to-day responsibilities are subject to the direction of God. I do have a planner and lists of things-to-do but all of it is prayerfully considered and totally subject to change as God leads.

CP: What's next for you? Any upcoming events in the horizon?

LRB: I am working to complete a book that should be available this Fall. HER Call Ministries is expanding so there are a few events beyond Houston we will host to get more women connected with our mission. We are also prayerfully planning and extremely excited about our 5th year celebration and major conference in 2012.

CP: How can we stay connected with you?

LRB: Visit my website at

Thank you so much for stopping by Reverend Barnett! I’m sure everyone has enjoyed meeting you and hearing about you as much as I have. Also, I want to encourage you ladies to go to her website and find out more about Her Call Ministries.

A Powerful Interview of a Woman who Empower Others!

This is the last day of our celebration week and we welcome my new co-laborer friend and lovely lady Michelle V. Green. Michelle and I connected on Facebook and I am very thankful to have her here today to tell us about her organization, and a little bit about herself! Please meet Michelle!

CP: Thank you so much Michelle for joining us today! Give us a brief bio of who you are?

MVG: Thank you Cynthia. I am a native of New Orleans, LA and have always been in the business of encouraging and helping family & friends reach and SURPASS their goals. My parents have always praised all that I have done all that I say I will do, so I’ve always had the Confidence to “Just Do It!” The word “can’t” was not allowed in our household. I think that alone shaped a big part of who I am today.

I attended Louisiana State University where I graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science in Electrical Engineering in 2003. Upon graduating I moved to Houston, TX to work at NASA as a Systems Engineer and obtained a Master’s of Aeronautical Science from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 2006.

Since moving to Houston I have used that same childhood confidence and started to check off one by one the items on my “Life Goals” list that I created as a little girl. Just a few of those things included having a successful career in the Aerospace industry, obtaining a Master’s Degree, becoming a licensed Real Estate Broker, becoming a certified Personal Fitness Trainer, becoming a professional model, starting my own fitness company, 1st Choice Fitness and a few more that I am still working toward to be a 100% entrepreneur!

To much surprise I was a natural born introvert! It was through many life experiences that my extrovert tendencies started to pour out and now my well is over-flowing! I have discovered many of my life passions which include health & fitness and empowering others to be as great as they are called to be. I have too many hobbies to name but some of my favorites are traveling, star-gazing, boxing, kickboxing, rock-climbing, horseback riding, roller skating and spinning. In addition, on my journey of achieving my “Life Goals” I have met some AMAZING people and have had some very fulfilling experiences. To name a few I have met and trained several NASA astronauts; conducted health & wellness seminars during Johnson Space Center’s Safety & Total Health Day and held free workshops in my community; I have traveled the world gaining knowledge, networking and meeting fellow entrepreneurs; I’ve trained with ex-heavyweight boxer Lee Canalito for several years; and I have walked the stage with fellow models and been featured in Mirror Mirror episodes on ABC. Of course one of my most fulfilling experiences to date came with the establishment of Women Empowered (WE). It gets better every time!

Since I also am the owner of 1st Choice Fitness, several people also know me as the “Boot Camp Instructor”. My training specialties include healthy weight loss strategies; cardiovascular fitness for overall heart health, strength/balance training, new client coaching & motivation, and most importantly health & fitness education. You can check out my website and be sure to “Like Me” on Facebook!/.

CP: Wow, you are a busy lady! Can you give us a brief overview of your organization?

MVG: Women Empowered (WE) was established in July 2010. Since then, quarterly seminars are held at various venues in the Houston area to discuss a plethora of Women's Topics. These topics include, but are not limited to, Women's Social Skills, Finding Inner peace, Forgiveness, Life Transformation, Self-Improvement, Personal Growth, Spirituality, Effective Leadership skills for Women, Assertiveness skills, Increasing self-esteem, Finding the Entrepreneur in YOU, and of course Self Empowerment & Exploration.

Women’s empowerment is one of my passions. “I love seeing women who have been “sitting on the sidelines” finally give themselves permission to express their Magnificence!”

I hope you will join Women Empowered (WE) on your journey as well!

CP: Who do you imagine is your ideal client/participant?

MVG: The ideal 1st Choice Fitness client would be anyone with the willingness to want to live a healthy & fit lifestyle. As a personal trainer I provide the knowledge and the tools for anyone to be half successful but it takes the consistency and determination of the client to bring the other half.

The ideal WE participant is a woman (all ages) who is looking to either empowered or be empowered! So that would be all of us! I have had several WE participants come to a seminar “just to see” and have left more empowered than ever! WE has made many connections and formed long-lasting relationships. WE has encouraged women to start their own businesses, apply to law school, and to start their own “Sister Circles”.

CP: If given the opportunity to speak with one of the most influential women past or present, who would it be and what would you ask her?

MVG: It would definitely be Ernestine Shepherd! At the age 74 she holds the Guinness World Record for the Oldest Female Body Builder and is in better shape than most people, decades her junior. Like me she is a certified personal trainer and spends her days running, lifting weights and working out. She is a role model not just for senior women everywhere, but for every one of us. As a fan of hers I know her story of what motivated her journey. If I met her I would ask her if she still does it for her sister (her original motivation) or if her sister is now all of the other women that she encourages and inspires on a daily basis. I’m pretty sure I know that answer but from one female personal trainer to another that would be a great conversation to have!

CP: What one book, written by a woman, do you wish you'd written yourself? Why?

Truthfully, I do plenty of reading. However, I have not actually had much time to actually read an entire book these days. I’m still waiting on my next 9 hour flight to get the time to read a book written by a friend of mine, “Running from Solace” by Nakia Laushaul. I can’t wait! You can also check her out at

CP: What was your journey to get where you are today? Any advice you can give to a younger woman?

MVG: My journey to where I am today all really began with my ministry of health and fitness in being a personal trainer. I meet all types of women/men who are often seeking to be fit but not necessarily healthy. Of course, it’s my job to provide you with the tools and knowledge to understand that you need both! So as I taught these lessons I began to take it a step further. To be able to complete the walk the Lord has outlined for you much is required – a healthy mind, body, and spirit! We also consider health as a basic and dynamic force in our daily lives, influenced by our circumstances, beliefs, culture and social, economic and physical environments. In order for me to be able to encourage others I must encourage myself and constantly seek the tools and knowledge to walk the talk! Hosting WE Seminars allow me to do just that by bringing other like-minded women together to empower each other on topics that aid in having a healthy mind, body, and spirit.

Advice I always give to younger women is to find a mentor. It can be your mom, grandmother, aunt, sister, cousin, or someone that just exudes the qualities you’d like to have! You can have a mentor for every aspect of your life (school, work, fitness, personal matters, etc.) and know that you can have a mentor at 10 and still have one at 90. A good piece of advice I once received was to encourage someone else because it may come back around to you just when you need it!

CP: Michelle, you are a busy woman. Do you find it difficult to manage your time, speaking engagements, shifting focus between marketing your ministry, as well as any day-to-day responsibilities?

MVG: Yes and no. Although I work full-time, train part-time, and host quarterly WE seminars I am very good at planning and being Ms. Organized! Therefore, my planner stays full with clients, networking and marketing events but if I write it down I must check it off. The good thing is that I have a great support system. My husband supports all of my endeavors (as I do his) and is always willing to lend a hand or help. As women we have a natural tendency to “do it all” and not ask for help or say “yes” when help is offered. Through some of the lessons learned and great mentors I have had in recent years I have learned to let go once in awhile. That being said I usually know when I’m at that tipping point and need a break. If not, my husband is definitely aware of when we “need a vacation”.

In addition, I have a great network of women that always help me pull off the WE Seminars. They do a number of things from speaking at some of the seminars to helping me arrange locations, speakers, donating door prizes, snacks and of course spread the WE word! Special thanks to Nakia Laushaul, Sophia Flot-Warner, Alexa Jones, Reba Charleston, Ingrid Walker, Angel’a Jones, Andrea Cojoe, Adria Carter, Lillian Johnson, Cheryl D. Jones & Nina James.

CP: Michelle tell us, what's next for you? Any upcoming events for your ministry?

MVG: The next thing up for WE is to continue to get bigger and better while reaching more women to become involved in the journey of empowerment.

The next WE Seminar will be held on November 5, 2011. Join the Women Empowered (WE) Group on Facebook to keep up with all of the latest and for more information.

Thank you so much for stopping by today Michelle! I’m sure everyone has enjoyed meeting you and hearing about you and your endeavors as much as I have. God bless you my dear!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

WE Rock Week! A Woman of Wisdom Min. Esther "Renee" Daniels

It has been an awesome empowerment week. We have had some amazing women. Now I want to introduce a wonderful woman of wisdom. She is a very good friend of mine who I have grown to admire much -- Minister Esther "Renee" Daniels.

CP: Give us a brief bio of who you are?

ERD: I am a native of Beaumont, Texas and married to my soul mate Andre’ Daniels reside in Houston, Texas. Renee’, as most of my friends call me, is always on a mission to spread God’s word. I am a chemical dependency counselor and life coach. I am Founder of Titus Works, Ministries.This ministry is to spread the word freely to ages 25 and up. Titus based on the Word of God in Titus chapter 2, teaches the old shall be there to guide the young into a better life with Christ. This ministry strives to do this in a unique way through telephone conferences with powerful speakers and topics is keeping it real with people and God.

CP: Can you give us a brief overview of your organization/ministry?

ERD: Titus Works, Ministries.This ministry is to spread the word freely to ages 25 and up. Titus based on the Word of God in Titus chapter 2, teaches the old shall be there to guide the young into a better life with Christ. This ministry strives to do this in a unique way through telephone conferences with powerful speakers and topics is keeping it real with people and God.

CP: Who do you imagine is your ideal client?

ERD: I imagine that my ideal client is anyone who has a need; I am so willing to be of service in whatever capacity I can. What usually happens is God will bring people on my path that needs what I have. What I have is the experiences of my life that God has brought me through and it is all used for his good! People are always looking for an answer, for their truth and God has blessed me to have the courage to share the blessings of God to bring hope!

CP: If given the opportunity to speak with one of the most influential women past or present, who would it be and what would you ask her?

ERD: Wow that’s a good question. . . although there are many influential women in this world that I respect and appreciate, I don’t really have a person in mind that I have a question for. I am a person who has for a big portion of my life lived by imitating what I saw or what I was told my life should look like. As a result of not knowing who I was, therefore at this time in my life I am trying to stay focus on what it is God has for me to do. He places the people on my path that I need a particular type of guidance at that particular time.

CP: What one book, written by a woman, do you wish you'd written yourself? Why?

I wish I had written the book “Transforming for a Purpose, Fulfilling God’s Mission as Daughters of the King” written by Anita Carman. The reason I say this book is because I am watching my life be transformed right before my eyes, and it is so amazing. One of the things she says that touched me so was, “Imagine the freedom of finding your compass in an unchanging God and arriving at a place where no human or event can rob you of your purpose.” She also says, “We are not hired help, we are daughters of the King, and He wants us to see with His eyes, feel with His heart, and leave this earth changed with His fingerprints.” This is my desire to live a purpose filled life that when it is all said and done the fingerprints of God will be over all that was on my journey.

CP: What was your journey to get where you are today? Any advice you can give to a younger woman?

ERD: Through my life I have experienced many things, some of which I am very proud of and some of which I am not so proud of. But as my friend Elder Patterson would say, all of it had to happen! I have come from a very lonely childhood low self-esteem, drug addiction, a failed marriage and many many disappointments. But GOD! I have been given the opportunity to experience God’s amazing grace and mercy. . .recovery of 23 years from that drug addiction, in a marriage filled with great love of 14 years, and still some disappointments but knowing that God knows what is best for me. As for the self-esteem well it is a whole lot better but still being worked out. My journey has been about progression even when it sometimes did not feel like it. I am so grateful that God’s thoughts are not like my thoughts, because if they were so much of my journey would not have taken place.

I would say to a younger woman, NEVER ABSOLUTELY NEVER allow yourself to settle in any area of your life, but more than that always seek what God would have you to do. When those days come that you are confused about the answers you seek, I pray that you have a mentor in your life that you can rely on to walk with you through life. I really believe that none of us have to walk out our lives alone. That if we allow it God will bless us with that Titus friend we all need. Find your Titus friend, it will bless your life!!!

CP: Do you find it difficult to manage your time, speaking engagements, shifting focus between marketing your organization/ ministry, as well as any day-to-day responsibilities?

ERD: I do find it challenging to manage my time between ministry and my day to day responsibilities to some extent. But, for the most part I have to remember to keep priority in the forefront when planning. I have to learn how to say no when I need to say no. One of my Titus friends says to me all the time, “Renee’ you can’t be at everything and everything is not meant for you” So, I truly look at my calendar and decide what I can do and can’t.

CP: What's next for you? Any upcoming events for your organization?

ERD: At this time Titus Works is getting ready for the upcoming calls for September which are going to be a true blessing. On September 1st our guest will be Dr. Carolyn Miller discussing “What's ailing you. . .that old beliefs are keeping you from GETTING GOOD AT LIFE! Getting help to deal with life issues is not taboo!! Then on September 15th Dr. Conte Terrell will discuss, Do you know what friendship is . . . FOR REAL! Would you recognize it when it shows up? We are also in the planning stages of a Mentor~Mentee Brunch, it’s purpose is to help those who may have a desire to be involved in mentorship whether that is by being a mentor or receiving mentorship. I have also been invited to be a guest on, The Beautiful Butterfly blog talk show to discuss mental health issues around substance abuse in her Mind Body and Soul Series. I look forward to other assignments that God will place on my path of this purpose filled life!

Bless you my friend for interviewing. We cannot wait for your call and upcoming events. That concludes our interview today with my friend and co-laborer Renee.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

WE Rock - Author Interview with Terri D.

This whole month has been a month of celebration. I call it WE Rock! WE Rock means Women Empowered to Rock. For the entire month we have been celebrating the victory of August 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment became law, and women could vote. In honor of this celebration, I am giving away two of my books "It Had to Happen" the contest details are in my blog. To continue this celebration, I will be introducing to you some amazing women. These women are authors, entrepreneurs, educators, and trailblazers who are making a difference.

So I would like to introduce my first guest Terri Coleman Washington, her pen name Author Terri D. I loved the book and hope you enjoy.

CP: Thank you so much for agreeing to do this interview. Give us a brief bio of who you are?

Author Terri D.:I am a long-term transplant resident of Harrisburg, PA. I am single mother of three who has written poetry and short stories all of my life. My children have always been my inspiration to push to get to the next level. I write as a way to express myself and to document my inner most feelings. I have published my debut novel titled Yesterday’s Lies earlier this year.

CP: Can you give us a brief overview of your latest book?

Author Terri D.:Yesterday’s Lies is a poignant tale of a circle of close friends who lives are more intertwined than they realize; that is until the blurred lines of love, lust and friendship begins to reveal the half-truths and lies that exist. Will the secrets they all hold from the past ruin their friendships and lives forever?

Toni and Jada have been friends since High School. They dated best friends David and Benjamin and the foursome even decided to attend the same college together. A tragic event in the final semester of senior year starts the web of lies and deceit that will follow them into their adult lives. The story begins seven years after graduation from college. The secrets and lies from their past start to unravel when an old friend returns from a seven year hiatus. Where has he been? Does he hold the key to unlock the secrets and lies from their past? Others in this small group of friends have their own secrets they have been keeping. When the truth is revealed will, the life changing decisions that were made based on what everyone thought they knew be enough to rip friendships apart.

Things are seldom, as they seem. High school sweethearts Jada and David, Jr have built a wonderful life together post college. Two beautiful children and both have successful careers. When an old friend returns to the scene the half-truths are in danger of being revealed and the consequences could be devastating for everyone involved.

Yesterday’s Lies will leave you asking yourself the questions. What secrets do you keep from the one you share everything with? How far would you go to protect your friends? Could your friendship survive this type of deception? Can a true love survive the deception and lies?

CP: Who do you imagine is your ideal reader?

Author Terri D.: Any woman who has a close female friend from childhood she confides in or any woman who has ever lost a love.

CP: What authors most inspire you?

Author Terri D.: E Lynn Harris is one of my favorites. So sad he is gone.

CP: Did you try the traditional route to publishing, i.e. querying agents/publishers, or did you jump right into self-publication?

Author Terri D.: I did not go the traditional route as I was being mentored by a self published author so I did what she had done.

CP: What was your journey as a writer?

Author Terri D.: I always kept journals and dabbled in poetry but did not set out to write a novel. That just kind of happened. I had an idea and starting writing and before I knew it I had a novel.

CP: Any advice you can give to new writers?

Author Terri D.: My advice would be to do a lot of research about the industry and sit down and come up with a marketing plan before you get your book published.

CP: Where have you put your work on sale?

Author Terri D.: My book is currently available on all of the major sites like Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Books a million. I have also been working with several independent book stores to have them carry my book.

CP: Is it available in only print, or is there a digital format available?

Author Terri D.: It is also available as an eBook on Amazon and on

CP: Do you find it difficult to manage your time, speaking engagements, shifting focus between marketing your current book and writing your next book, as well as any day-to-day responsibilities?

Author Terri D.:I had spread myself a little too thin at the beginning of the summer. I made it through all of those events and signings and am taking a brief break before I get started again in the fall.

CP: What's next for you? Any new books in the works?

Author Terri D.: I am currently working on my second novel which happens to be a sequel.

CP: How can we contact you?

Author Terri D.: Yesterday's Lies is the title of my novel.

They can also follow me on:

This is the end of the interview with Author Terri D. I hope you enjoyed the interview with this amazing woman. Pick up her book. You will really be inspired.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

BOOK REVIEW: It Had to Happen

By Cherie Hill

If the first few sample pages aren't enough to convince you that you need to read this book, then let me elaborate a little to assure you that this is a message you need. Cynthia Patterson not only has a heart for the Lord, she has a heart for the wounded, brokenhearted, and lost. Her only desire is to serve the Lord, by reaching out to a world of women who are desperate for Him.

"It Had to Happen" is written for women in an effort to speak a profound message to each of them individually through the understanding of "The Unclean Woman." (the story told in the Biblical books of Matthew and Mark) Cynthia dissects the story, in order to show the reader how this event speaks volumes into their own lives. Through each page you will begin to feel your faith rise and God's grace take hold of you as you grasp the fact that God wants to do a miracle in your life no matter who you are, where you've been, or what you've done. God waits for you to come to Him.

Cynthia truly writes with passion as she longs to lead you to Jesus, so that you might "touch His garment" and be healed. I nearly read this book in one sitting because I just simply couldn't put it down. Few books are like that. "It Had to Happen" will deepen your faith and strengthen your walk with the Lord. Don't miss this message!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Your Answer Awaits

Have you ever asked yourself why?

Why am I having sleepless nights? Why am I still dealing with this hurt, rather than escaping from it? Why do I keep going in and out of so many dysfunctional relationships? Why is everyone coming to you for the answers and you can’t even figure out your own?

In her debut book, It Had to Happen, Cynthia inspires the reader of God’s providence in the midst of trials what only serve as the launching pad to triumph. She masterfully uses The Woman with the Issue of Blood to take us beyond the surface of the biblical story we've heard and read so many times by interjecting us into the passage in a personal way. Our own struggles are interwoven in suggested parallelisms that bring this woman’s plight into the light of a modern day context. And the discovery questions at the end of each chapter cause us to reflect deeply as revelation and transformation provide soothing solutions that can only come from our loving Heavenly Father who is an ever present help and a Source of unending hope.

Cynthia clearly states in her book “those who don’t know their own history are doomed to repeat it". Your journey to living a peaceful life awaits.
Read a sample of her book and purchase your copy today!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Book Review: Mission Possible

Mission Possible Spiritual CoveringMission Possible Spiritual Covering by Deborah L. McCarragher

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Book Review: MISSION POSSIBLE – A Must Read!

By D.L. McCarragher

Will he ever change? Will things ever be the same? How do I make him understand? These maybe some questions asked by women who are on the edge of making a life changing decision when it comes to their marriage.

The Authors statement in the Preface … “When GOD “chooses” you in the midst of your marriage as a believer, you have but one mission to fulfill – that is believing for your mate’s salvation”. The question to you would be: Are you ready to accept your mission as a wife?

Mission Possible is a remarkably written book to encourage women who are on assignment to stand in the gap for their husbands. Although I am a single woman, I believe this book was a preparation in hopes of being married one day and what to expect in my role as a wife. As a single mother raising a son, I can see a difference in our relationship after reading this book. Rather you’re married or single,the “Seek and Find” questions and scriptures are good for study, prayer and application. I received great insight of who I am and what God expects of me as His daughter.

One of the her quotes that will remain with me always…”HOPE is putting FAITH “on the line” – and expecting results”! I recommend this book to any woman whose at her wit ends and about to give up on her marriage. Please don’t give up! Read this book and allow God to strengthen your faith to believe with Him all things are possible!

I absolutely loved it!

View all my reviews

A Book Review: MISSION POSSIBLE – A Must Read! By D.L. McCarragher

Will he ever change? Will things ever be the same? How do I make him understand? These maybe some questions asked by women who are on the edge of making a life changing decision when it comes to their marriage.

The Authors statement in the Preface … “When GOD “chooses” you in the midst of your marriage as a believer, you have but one mission to fulfill – that is believing for your mate’s salvation”. The question to you would be: Are you ready to accept your mission as a wife?

Mission Possible is a remarkably written book to encourage women who are on assignment to stand in the gap for their husbands. Although I am a single woman, I believe this book was a preparation in hopes of being married one day and what to expect in my role as a wife. As a single mother raising a son, I see a difference in my relationship with him. Rather you’re married or single,the “Seek and Find” questions and scriptures are good for study, prayer and application. I received great insight of who I am and what God expects of me as His daughter.

One of the her quotes that will remain with me always…”HOPE is putting FAITH “on the line” – and expecting results”! I recommend this book to any woman whose at her wit ends and about to give up on her marriage. Please don’t give up! Read this book and allow God to strengthen your faith to believe with Him all things are possible!

I absolutely loved it!
5 out of 5 – Love It!